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Benefits of Life Skills

Aysha Michelle

Fostering healthy communication and interaction takes skill and practice.

Building healthy relationships and learning to speak clearly and assertively, while respecting other people's opinions requires an open mind as everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs.

Life skills classes teach people to show empathy and distinguish between listening and hearing. It also helps avoid miscommunication, over reacting and misinterpretation.

Our life skills classes cover a wide range of life skills:

  • time management

  • money management

  • communication

  • work readiness

  • consent

  • positive image development

  • self improvement

  • stress management & more

While everyone has the ability communicate, it takes practice to be an effective communicator.

Life is a series of decisions- including huge ones like where you choose to live or who you choose to associate yourself with.

It is important to learn how to make confident and well-informed decisions.

The AMP Hudson Valley is here to assist on the journey to independence!


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