Goals are when you motivate yourself for the future by listing things that will help you achieve particular results you want.
You can have a short-term goal or a long-term goal.
The small goals can be the steps you need in order to hit that bigger goal in the future.
Goals must be challenging yet attainable.
An example would be, if you wanted to learn more life skills like how to ride a bike,
you may have some things you'd need to do before completing said goal.
Maybe you can set a few small goals like:
Purchasing knee pads, elbow pads & helmet for your bike ✔️
Finding the perfect place to practice ✔️
Asking someone who knows how to ride a bike if they can train you ✔️
buying the perfect bike ✔️
These are some examples of goals you can list & then when they are completed, you may check them off. This will give you a sense of happiness & commitment because you will feel like you are one step closer to the bigger goal!
The long term goal could be going on a bike ride with a friend for family member.
Goals energize your performance, con motivate you to try new things, challenge you and assist you to getting aligned with your higher self to promote self-efficacy (which is the belief in ones self and abilities).
How about you get them written down in your journal & check them off when completed.
Reflect on how it makes you feel.
This can help you regulate your task of to-dos & give you some self confidence to complete tasks.
Goal setting is a great method of support for positive mental health.
What are some Goals you'd like to achieve?